The Programmer Disk
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ATI256.BGI -- A SuperVGA BGI driver for Turbo Pascal and ATI VGA
-- Using 16-bit read/writes and super optimized code
Thomas Design
P.O. Box 586
Stillwater Oklahoma
Modes supported:
320x200 by 256 - Standard VGA (256k ram)
640x400 by 256 - ATI VGA (256k)
640x480 by 256 - ATI VGA (512k)
800x600 by 256 - ATI VGA (512k)
A 16 color ATI driver supporting up to 1024x768 will soon be available.
This is a DEMO 256 color Super VGA driver for Turbo C. Wherever possible
16-bit read/writes have been used. Most of the graphics routines execute
entirely out of the CPU registers so system memory performance won't degrade
the graphics speed. There are a number of 256 color drivers available and
all use the same code except for the VRAM segment select routines. This
makes the 256 color drivers an excellent way to benchmark various VGA boards.
In our own experience we've noted a large difference in performance between
8 and 16-bit VGA boards, and between VGA chipsets.
Because of a BUG in Turbo C we had to create two separate versions of
each driver for Turbo C and Turbo Pascal. The Turbo C version of the driver
will hang if you try to use it in Turbo Pascal. If you use the Turbo Pascal
driver you will get to see the BUG in action! The BUG is that the getmaxx
and getmaxy values, in fact all the DEVICE INFORMATION block is ignored by
Turbo C. The only mode that will work properly is the one reported by
AutoDetect. This means that we had to add extra code to write the correct
DEVICE INFORMATION block back into the Turbo C graphics unit (or data area).
Files provided:
ATI256.BGI -- the 256 color BGI driver for Turbo C
ATI256.OBJ -- the OBJ version of the BGI driver
ATIDET.PAS -- source to Autodetect TPU
ATIDET.TPU -- autodetect TPU
ATIDET.OBJ -- autodetect routine
SIMPLE.PAS -- demonstrates use of SVGA driver in BGI format
SIMPOBJ.PAS -- " " " " " " OBJ format
SVGADEMO.PAS -- another SVGA demo
VGAEXTRA.PAS -- source to dacpalette and defines
VGAEXTRA.TPU -- TPU of dacpalette and defines
MAKETPU.BAT -- creates an OBJ version of driver and detect TPU
-- Notes:
-- floodfill not implemented. Use fillpoly or fillellipse.
-- Vertical Text not implemented. Could add later if demand warrants.
-- 16-bit read/writes. In most cases graphics limited by VRAM
access times.
-- OutText has not been optimized. The registered version will
be faster and smaller.....
-- Excellent test between graphics cards. 256 color drivers use
same code except for the VRAM segment select.
-- To determine if your driver is for TC or Tpascal do the following:
You should see a line of text with a version number for the driver.
If it starts with "C" such as C.01.02 it is a Turbo C driver.
The Turbo Pascal drivers start with "P" like: P.01.02
This driver is a "DEMO COPY" of the real driver. It is about 500 bytes
larger than the registered version. To register and receive the final
version with no "DEMO" header send $15.00 via check or money order to:
Thomas Design
P.O. Box 586
Stillwater Ok.
- Indicate which driver you want Turbo C or Turbo Pascal
- You can recieve your copy on either 5 1/4" or 3 1/2" disc,
so please specify the format.
A version of each driver is also available that only contain:
-- putpixel, getpixel, line, moveto, outtextxy, getmaxcolor --
These versions can be used in programs only requiring those routines.
They are about 1000 bytes smaller than the registered versions.
If you want to use these drivers in a commercial product, do so by linking
the drivers into the executable. Contact us if you wish to do otherwise.
--- Use this form to indicate the driver/s you wish to purchase --
The cost is $15.00 per driver. Mark with: __X__ for desired BGI driver.
(ATI VGA) (Video 7) (Paradise) (Tecmar) (Tseng Labs)
256 color BGI: ATI256.BGI VID256.BGI PAR256.BGI TEC256.BGI ORC256.BGI
Turbo C: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Turbo Pascal: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Turbo C: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Turbo Pascal: _____ _____ _____ _____ _____
Diskette form: 3 1/2" ____ 5 1/4" ____
I would like a limited version of the BGI driver containing only putpixel,
getpixel, outtext, and line for the following BGI driver/s: _____________
(Please indicate if Turbo C or Turbo Pascal version)